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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blogging about a Blogger

One night, my wife couldn't sleep. The car had broken down and our cupboards where empty (and I kid you not, we had planned on stocking up when we hit the local farmers market while traveling) and our saving just got eaten up. There were a lot of tears for my young wife.
So while she was surfing for a miracle, she stopped on over to yahoo news and came across Blissful and Domestic article about a young couple and how they live on such a short leash of a budget. Meanwhile, I was falling asleep, when my wife woke me with such excitement. And so for the next 3-4 hours, I kid you not, we keep reading article after article. And since then, it's still been hard but no more tears for sure.

Since that night
~we saved about $40-60 a week on food
~$120 a year on insurance
~$35 a year on cell service
~$360 on Internet service

We've always entertained at home, or hike or walk the city and such, so we've maintained that. We take the bus to the city (that itself saves us $20 a trip) - but also our car won't make the hills. We do the library thing for our video/books every Tuesday.

To add to the adventure, this July has been the WORST selling month in history for us, so we opt to not freak but work harder. I am back making my doll clothes. Sure its not manly but fear not, I am one. I've opened my store up again and going full force with it this time. Taking all that energy and making it work for us.

The story Danielle is one to read. As a RV er and as a husband, this gal really inspires me to do more for my family. Life is short as we all know. And so I lean more for quality of life then having all my beach homes lined up and matching cars to go with it. I love the fact, that I get to see my wife daily and all day. I value our life together as Danielle does for her family - something we have in common. She's also a quack (in the coolest sense of course) which so reminds me of my wife. So I enjoy all the laughs that comes with her blog.

But what gets me is that, she cares about her followers. My wife submitted a question and wow she did a blog article on that question. Blogger these days about the $$$$ and how having the voice. Which is alright but lets add some heart to it too. Danielle HAS IT.... A complete role model.

Get on over there and check her out. Advice, thrifty living tips and a stay at home Mom that home teaches (we are HUGE HUGE supporter of that - if I could do it all over again, I would of been a stay at home Dad home teaching my 2 sons), recipes that will get you into trouble because she will create cooking monsters in all of us - she's got me baking my own bread daily - and I am not kidding. My wife does not eat the white stuff and so I make my bread for myself and I am addicted to it. And in the same breath saving a ton of money while doing it. And no I don't use a bread maker. it's all from scratch - scratch - scratch....

Danielle is an amazing lady, friend, mother, teacher. I adore her as a role model and I wish to thank her for her wonderful blog. She inspires me and she inspire my wife, and she inspire us as a couple to work together. I am a proud follower of her blog and hope one day to be a wise as she, where others will one day think of me as that way. I wish to thank her for her faith and for her following of the church in which I am now again a member. Lead by example and the rest will fall into place. God Bless her and her family!! I ask for prayers for me and for my wife that we may continue to work as hard as we are now to better ourselves as people, as friends, and as family
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