“For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round" - 1 Nephi 10:19
"Travel has a way of stretching the mind. The stretch comes not from travel's immediate rewards, the inevitable myriad new sights, smells and sounds, but with experiencing firsthand how others do differently what we believed to be the right and only way." -Ralph Crawshaw
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Jewelry Making Supplies, Findings, Beads, Charms & Gem
Welcome to Findings Keepers.
Here you will find a wide variety of Jewelry Supplies , Charms , Beads and Gemstones.
Here you will find a wide variety of Jewelry Supplies , Charms , Beads and Gemstones.
Hi, I'm Linda,
I am the mother of 6 AWSOME children, 3 boys 3 girls.
The Love of my life and I have been married 23 Blessed years.
I have always wanted to have a business I could do from home,
Etsy has given me that opportunity (THANK YOU)
With my faith in my savior JESUS CHRIST, my loyal customers,
and the support and patience my family has already given me.
I want to say THANK YOU.
I am the mother of 6 AWSOME children, 3 boys 3 girls.
The Love of my life and I have been married 23 Blessed years.
I have always wanted to have a business I could do from home,
Etsy has given me that opportunity (THANK YOU)
With my faith in my savior JESUS CHRIST, my loyal customers,
and the support and patience my family has already given me.
I want to say THANK YOU.
I wish to thank Linda for not only having a wonderful store, but for being a super role model for all. Kind, gentle and super helpful with our own store. My wife adores Linda very much and I can't thank her enough for the honor of having her on here today!! These charms are so popular, have a best friend, a group, a fundraiser, a theme gift, any of these things can be found on this store. And the price allows you to pick as many charms as you want for a great low price and have the fun is building your own bracelets, necklace, wreath, jewelry tree - anything you can imagine - we also notice charm shoelaces are very much in.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Hurt Hawk
I was on my way to the post office today when I notice a small bird attacking a hawk (not sure what kind it is but from the pictures perhaps my followers will). when I came back from the post office, I came across a hawk hurt on the side of the road. I can not say for sure if it was the same hawk I had seen earlier, but my guess is, it was. I came home, told my wife and headed back out to go get it. I couldn't find it.
Dan is regular up here in the mountains, who enjoys the great outdoors, either hiking or riding his ATV. Well he found my injured hawk.
I wish this little guy a quick recovery and thank Dan for bringing him by. The wild life up here at MICA gate for QSI is amazing and I have to laugh, the boss is worried we may not be having a super summer. Ummmm this is by far the best summer in the last 3 years. People up here are amazing and so is the office view.
Dan is regular up here in the mountains, who enjoys the great outdoors, either hiking or riding his ATV. Well he found my injured hawk.
How MyPoints Saved us Last December
Last Decemeber was the worst month of the year for us. Our store sales went down by 50% and running the heat and paying all of our bills left us with very little money left over for food. So my wife saved us. How?? MyPoints click here -----------> SAVE
The total BILL $176.83
(we never spend more then $25-30 a week, so I freaked)
~Coupons $17.80
~MyPoints Gift Cards Redeemed $150.00 (4 cards and it took us almost 2 years to earn
Total BILL we paid out of pocket: $9.03
Today we still gather points because when the day comes where we can't afford food, we will always turn to MyPoints to save us. We currently have 6,094 points (thats about $42.00 so far)
The total BILL $176.83
(we never spend more then $25-30 a week, so I freaked)
~Coupons $17.80
~MyPoints Gift Cards Redeemed $150.00 (4 cards and it took us almost 2 years to earn
Total BILL we paid out of pocket: $9.03
Today we still gather points because when the day comes where we can't afford food, we will always turn to MyPoints to save us. We currently have 6,094 points (thats about $42.00 so far)
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Kick back some fleece
I had some time and its been cold here in the mountains. I had some fleece left over and got to thinking and then got to work.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Old and New Indian cemetery
What I am I must become
What I see I must try to find
What I hear I must play music to
What I touch I must leave alone
I turn then to all reflections of myself
In trees and sacred things
That nature gives to me
Monday, June 24, 2013
Glued to the book
My beautiful wife keeps begging for a Kindle Fire. Books take up room in the RV, but a kindle is still an expense we have to plan for. Going through some of my pictures, I came across this one and fell in love with her all over again. Her nose twitches when she is glued to a book. I think its cute. This was take in California near Lone Pine, one of her favorite locations.
Blast from the Past
The first picture has a story. My wife was looking at all the dolls, and this buzzard kept going off, well every time it did she'd look up and nothing, and then it went back to buzzing. I was sitting back laughing because I knew the source of the sound and so did the 30+ folks watching my wife also filled with chuckle. Then ding, she figured it out on her own, she was viewing the dolls she was pass the point of breaking the rules and the alarm we set off by her. My wife, did a bow for everything and they all clapped their hands. My wife the mini Jim Carey!!
We have so many pictures of our visit here. But we just wanted to add a couple. This museum has been updated since we were there 2 years ago. We do plan on going back when we head to the coast. We have a very dear wonderful friend that works there and our envy for her is GREAT!! But our warning to you is, don't go setting the alarms like my wife did, you just never know who may be watching you lol....
maryhill museum,
oregon fun,
rv fulltimer,
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage;
be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy
God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
- Joshua 1:9
be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy
God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
- Joshua 1:9
Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and
all these things shall be added unto you.
- Matthew 6:33
all these things shall be added unto you.
- Matthew 6:33
Saturday, June 22, 2013
My Inspired Creations by AliciasFindings
I am an outgoing,friendly woman who enjoys being crafty! I love making jewelry,writing poetry,and learning new things. My tastes tend to be very eclectic as you can tell by my favorites on here. :)
I started jewelry making a few years back as something fun to do with friends and loved ones. I found that it is super relaxing and brings me such enjoyment to see my ideas brought to life! I am always trying to learn new techniques as well as new styles,so that there is always something fresh in my store. A lot of my creations are made with natural stones because I love them so much. I am also a lover of purple,which is mighty apparent in my work.
I started jewelry making a few years back as something fun to do with friends and loved ones. I found that it is super relaxing and brings me such enjoyment to see my ideas brought to life! I am always trying to learn new techniques as well as new styles,so that there is always something fresh in my store. A lot of my creations are made with natural stones because I love them so much. I am also a lover of purple,which is mighty apparent in my work.
![]() |
Blue and green necklace, silver sea coral pendant, toggle closure |
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Bracelet of sapphire and white rondelles, with angel pendant |
Talk about beauties. I make jewelry too but not to this level. And the prices are super GREAT. Get your Christmas shopping done early and save some money and have a lot of fun with this shop owner......
We'd like to thank AliciasFindings for letting us guest spot her on my blog. I am honored to have this on my blog. Not only a wonderful store owner, but a great friend to my wife.
If you would like to be a guest spot on here, just drop me a line at mountainmangeorgereviews@gmail.com
Friday, June 21, 2013
Child Chef using knives? I did
This is a article parents need to read. I was so taken back by what I read. Funny, my wife was saying the other day when I personally freaked out watching a child at a local restaurant so young using a knife. My wife calmly said - ummm dear you support NRA parents teaching their children about guns and safety education that goes with it.
Yes my wife knows how to put me in my place on issues like this. Being a farm girl, she learned how to shoot by the age of 6 and still to this day, the girl can shoot. She also can cook better then anyone I know too, because Gramme taught her at the age of 3 cooking lessons, and she knew how to use knifes as they were meant to be used. So why did I freak out so much over this?? Because, we've become pantie-waste parents. Everything we do, see, learn is child abuse.
We can't excel at anything without first approval of what we are doing is correct and within the right of what parenting is all about. Of course, we must use common sense and observe our child to see if he or she is at the level of knowing whats right from wrong. That's the key, to really see our children as individuals and match their needs with their wants.
We all have our say in this matter, and some will find my views as nuts. And that's OK, because it is what my child and what your child does. Bring on the future and let your kids get dirty for a change. Embrace the teaching and get to know your child for the beauty of whats just screaming to express. Chef, mountain climber, a teacher, whatever..... EMBRACE!!
This is a article parents need to read. I was so taken back by what I read. Funny, my wife was saying the other day when I personally freaked out watching a child at a local restaurant so young using a knife. My wife calmly said - ummm dear you support NRA parents teaching their children about guns and safety education that goes with it.
Yes my wife knows how to put me in my place on issues like this. Being a farm girl, she learned how to shoot by the age of 6 and still to this day, the girl can shoot. She also can cook better then anyone I know too, because Gramme taught her at the age of 3 cooking lessons, and she knew how to use knifes as they were meant to be used. So why did I freak out so much over this?? Because, we've become pantie-waste parents. Everything we do, see, learn is child abuse.
We can't excel at anything without first approval of what we are doing is correct and within the right of what parenting is all about. Of course, we must use common sense and observe our child to see if he or she is at the level of knowing whats right from wrong. That's the key, to really see our children as individuals and match their needs with their wants.
We all have our say in this matter, and some will find my views as nuts. And that's OK, because it is what my child and what your child does. Bring on the future and let your kids get dirty for a change. Embrace the teaching and get to know your child for the beauty of whats just screaming to express. Chef, mountain climber, a teacher, whatever..... EMBRACE!!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Yes, we are member of CafeMom. Of course for us it's about the networking with parents. But there are some wonderful groups you can join to learn about areas you need support in.
I have been on their to see whats in and what Moms are reading about. There is some crazy news press about parents doing wrong, I have been crazy enough to read some of the press line. Like one dad selling selling drugs while holding his daughter. Talk about being Stupid to the hilt. There however more things about good parents then bad parents. Tips from coupon use, to making homemade items to save on the budget.
Speaking of budgets, we seen this on our AWESOME friend Carols facebook page (she's from England and we love her and her family so much)... Shes a full fledged stay at home/homeschooling o to person on how to do it right - we can learn a lot from her!!
An eye opener about whether or not we have the right to cry about child care cost in this world. Think about the cave age Moms they didn't spend a dime....
Check out CafeMom and see how you can add to it or take from it - works both ways!! Find us and add us to your friend list.
I have been on their to see whats in and what Moms are reading about. There is some crazy news press about parents doing wrong, I have been crazy enough to read some of the press line. Like one dad selling selling drugs while holding his daughter. Talk about being Stupid to the hilt. There however more things about good parents then bad parents. Tips from coupon use, to making homemade items to save on the budget.
Speaking of budgets, we seen this on our AWESOME friend Carols facebook page (she's from England and we love her and her family so much)... Shes a full fledged stay at home/homeschooling o to person on how to do it right - we can learn a lot from her!!
An eye opener about whether or not we have the right to cry about child care cost in this world. Think about the cave age Moms they didn't spend a dime....
Check out CafeMom and see how you can add to it or take from it - works both ways!! Find us and add us to your friend list.
PLEASE Support our ONLINE store
- this is how we eat!!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
MrsCraftyRVing Sews For Food
Hard times full of changes for us!! We depend on every single sale. So with July coming up which is the month that we truly do starve because its the slowest month of the year for us. We dread it and fear it. But this year, my wife is taking the challenge to improve things so that we don't have to rely on miracles - but to rely on our hard work paying off.
www.MrsCraftyRVing.etsy.com <-------- PLEASE PIN ITEMS, Facebook items, Twitter items for us ... PLEASE this helps and it would cut our budget down a lot.
www.MrsCraftyRVing.etsy.com <-------- PLEASE PIN ITEMS, Facebook items, Twitter items for us ... PLEASE this helps and it would cut our budget down a lot.
Starting off with new fresh banners in which where designed by my wife. Instead of hiring someone, she took the risk of making it herself to save some money. This is for our Facebook fan page
We took a major gamble an spent $10.00 on facebook promotion to help more movement in the store and not one single hit, but did manage to get more activity on the fan page - but who cares that was $10 of food in our book. But we took the gamble and maybe one day down the road it will pay off.
We are about hard work and will fight through the hard times as we've always done. We can't thank those who have taken the time to help promote us by those simple clicks... It truly means the world to us.
IronMan Coeur d"Alene
We have our poster schedule and because we are required to be at our gate from sun up to sun down, only one of us can go and watch. My wife will be at Fighting Creek for the bike part of the race, because they'll be riding up and back by there. Super excited she is, my wife has done many mini ironman races in her pass youth. Look for the post with pictures - this event takes place June 23rd and we wish all safe adventures.
Highway 95 South from Northwest blvd to
Missile Base Road (5 a.m. – 6 p.m.)
Traffic on US95 will be impacted by the Ironman
Coeur d’Alene. All roads will remain open, but traffic
will be delayed due to flagger controlled intersections
along the course from Missile Base Road, just north
of the US95 - SH58 interchange, at milepost 408.26
to US95 bridge across Northwest Blvd. at milepost
429.61. Northbound traffic on US95 will be diverted to
the southbound lanes creating two way traffic in the
southbound lanes between these mileposts. The bike
course will take place in the northbound lanes of Hwy
95 with no vehicle traffic allowed in the northbound
lanes between these mileposts. All major intersecting
roads to US95 will be flagger controlled crossings
which could cause delays. Speed limits on US95 will
be reduced to 45mph during race hours and parking
on the shoulder will be prohibited. Also, wide load
restrictions will be in place on this portion of US95.
Coeur d Alene Lake Drive from Sherman to Higgins
Point Boat Launch (5 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
Traffic will be impacted on Coeur d Alene Lake Drive
from Sherman to the Higgins Point Boat Launch during
the bike portion of Ironman Coeur d Alene. Peak hours
will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be traffic delays
with limited access as cyclist will be in both north and
southbound lanes.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
My Bella Box Monthy Product Gift Box for Girls
We are so proud to be new vendors for www.mybellabox.com !! We've are huge supportive of this business for so many reasons. Most important, this business allows the web site owner to stay home and raise her MOST beautiful little one. With daycare cost on the rise, and the lack of attention children seem to be getting these days from overworked parents, we do anything and everything we can to support these amazing parents who live for their children and not their careers. I am in no way saying that stay at home parents are better then career driven folks (I myself was a career driven parent - but I can say with experience, that if I could of stayed home full time with my 2 sons, I would jump at it today).
As an RV er, and a future grandparent, a service like this would so work for me. Being so far from family this company would allow me to send a goodies box monthly and to stay on top of being the fave in my grandchild's life.
About MyBellaBox:
We believe every little girl should feel special and what better way than with a "My Bella Box" subscription.
As an RV er, and a future grandparent, a service like this would so work for me. Being so far from family this company would allow me to send a goodies box monthly and to stay on top of being the fave in my grandchild's life.
About MyBellaBox:
We believe every little girl should feel special and what better way than with a "My Bella Box" subscription.
In each box your little beauty will receive 2-3 handmade products just for her. Things from headbands, to hairbrushes, to glitter wands and inspirational prints. We feel they should feel beautiful AND confident.
You will also find in each box a write up about the creator of each product. This way you will know exactly who made the product and if you love it, where to buy more.
You can purchase our boxes in 3 different subscriptions, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. The more months you purchase, the better of a deal you will receive. With the 6 month subscription you will receive, free shipping. With the 12 month subscription you will receive, free shipping as well as a 10% discount.
Please take a look at some of our vendors and products we have in some of our boxes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Thank you for stopping by!
Stop by and see the vendors and get your box started today. Christmas in July is about to start - so this would be perfect!!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Rainbow so Close you could touch it.
Rainbows are like hidden blessings. Here in Idaho we see a lot of them. The one was just next to our RV. Pictures taken from our RV in fact.
What kind of bow can't be tied? A rainbow.
RV adventure,
rv blog,
rv blogger,
Friday, June 7, 2013
Days Gone By Treasures Shop by Lori Planken
Daysgonebytreasures' Shop Announcement
*~*WE ARE OPEN TO REASONABLE OFFERS *~* We work as a Family to find and Bring These Treasure's to you and offer additional photo's to those who email and request them. We Love to Combine Shipping on Multiples to Save you Money. THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHOPPING WITH US AND HAVE AN AWESOME DAY .
*~*WE ARE OPEN TO REASONABLE OFFERS *~* We work as a Family to find and Bring These Treasure's to you and offer additional photo's to those who email and request them. We Love to Combine Shipping on Multiples to Save you Money. THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHOPPING WITH US AND HAVE AN AWESOME DAY .
lori planken's Profile
SALE 20 % Off coupon code SPRINGSALE / Nice Tall Vase Pretty Crystal Look Hard to find
I Grew Up with Antiques and Collectibles. My Husband Shares the same Love I Have for Old and Different Items and Love to Go Picking for these fun timeless treasures to Bring to you' re Home. We have 6 children and one Darling Grand baby Boy. We home school our younger children and our children as well Love to help find the Treasure to Offer to You. Check Out Us on face Book http://www.facebook.com/pages/Toys-and-Collectibles-Gently-Used-Most-on-ETSY-WEB-STORE/152276728172315?ref=hl
The items are marked with the code on the title that are on sale:

I would like to thank Lori for being a guest spot on my blog. What a gal she is, she is in Utah and when were heading that way she opened an inventation to meet her. Then our car blew up of sorts - and it caused us to cancel our trip to Utah. We would of loved to have meet Lori. But don't fret maybe next summer. We adore you Lori!!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Brush With Fate Movie Review
Brush With Fate:
A movie in which we picked from the local library in CDA, Idaho. As my wife and I are changing our lives to be more about good then bad. We've dumped all of our Rated R movies (I can hear the gasp of our family and friends). To be honest, I am tired of the cruel/foul/garbage of our world and we are leaving it for the simple good things in life. I don't swear and so why should I be watching or reading things that contain this sort of things. The more movies with crass and immoral behavior that we watch, desensitises us and begins to make this type of behavior the norm. Which is wrong.
When checking out movies it's easy to sort the good from the bad by the ratings, but not so easy with books - so we gear toward the Christian part of the library. Amazed by how small the section is. Hallmark is one of our favorites in which inspires and captivates the heart and spirit in a good way.
And this week, we just fell in love with Brush With Fate.
An art painting done by Vermeer called "Girl in Hyacinth Blue" has gone through generations of a story of how each owner came to own this beauty of art. Starts off in modern times with Cornelia who approaches a new art teacher with the hopes of his help authenticity of knowing the pass. As she tells the story, you go from thinking one thing into a whole new concept of the piece that draws everyone in "telling a different story each time".
I loved the twist and turns of the story and from start to finish, I was glued to the screen in finding out all I could with the hopes of a happy ending. And what I got out of it was. Nothing is ever as it seem no matter the masterpiece of how anything is displayed. And that blessing are in life not in a painting. And that a painting is not a mirror to ones future/pass or present for we are our own luck!!
Go check out your local library, the more you check out the more they get more to feed our eager minds....
Have a good movie to recommend - leave a comment.
A movie in which we picked from the local library in CDA, Idaho. As my wife and I are changing our lives to be more about good then bad. We've dumped all of our Rated R movies (I can hear the gasp of our family and friends). To be honest, I am tired of the cruel/foul/garbage of our world and we are leaving it for the simple good things in life. I don't swear and so why should I be watching or reading things that contain this sort of things. The more movies with crass and immoral behavior that we watch, desensitises us and begins to make this type of behavior the norm. Which is wrong.
When checking out movies it's easy to sort the good from the bad by the ratings, but not so easy with books - so we gear toward the Christian part of the library. Amazed by how small the section is. Hallmark is one of our favorites in which inspires and captivates the heart and spirit in a good way.
And this week, we just fell in love with Brush With Fate.
An art painting done by Vermeer called "Girl in Hyacinth Blue" has gone through generations of a story of how each owner came to own this beauty of art. Starts off in modern times with Cornelia who approaches a new art teacher with the hopes of his help authenticity of knowing the pass. As she tells the story, you go from thinking one thing into a whole new concept of the piece that draws everyone in "telling a different story each time".
I loved the twist and turns of the story and from start to finish, I was glued to the screen in finding out all I could with the hopes of a happy ending. And what I got out of it was. Nothing is ever as it seem no matter the masterpiece of how anything is displayed. And that blessing are in life not in a painting. And that a painting is not a mirror to ones future/pass or present for we are our own luck!!
Go check out your local library, the more you check out the more they get more to feed our eager minds....
Have a good movie to recommend - leave a comment.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Solar Radio Review
First we'd like to thank MicrolinkFR160 for sending us this to review and for allowing us to keep the radio for free. With that said, my comments/reviews are just that MY feelings on their product.
We received this radio about a month ago, and as itchy as I was to review it that day, the company asked us to test it for a month to get the full feel of the product.
Reasons Why:
No batteries....
Do you realize this is a huge hardship on RVers, if you do not have electricity. And we do not and have not for over 2 months now and won't see an electric box until the end of October. And with our junk cheap ginny, we only use it to power our sewing machines and that's it. So the solar is a complete winner for us, and a huge money saver.
Again its all about our budget. And this has saved us so much money. We just place her in the sun and let her soak up FREE power and play when we feel the need for some tunes. We can go almost 8 hours of usage when the solar end is charged. So yes this is a sun seeker of our hearts. Better then any coupons for sure.
What do we do when there is no sun?? And this is an area we can really talk about because we'll it's more cloudy then sunny in this part of Idaho for sure. And to answer your question "WE CRANK" - well my wife cranks because this is a device is not handy for RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) - my only negative remark, but in all fairness, most things in the techie world are not RA friendly - because RA is evil to the human world. There is math to the crank and a science to this. My wife cranks 500 times and it will provide 2 hours of usage. 500 times, I kid you not and the major upside to this my wife says, it's a stress re leaser and it's great exercise to boot. So if my wife is happy then that adds to the thrill of owning this solar radio.
Weather Alerts....
This is supported by the American Red Cross for so many reasons. With all the Mother Nature against us this year, this handy machine will provide a safe/fast/reliable source to the outside world in times of need. A must for RV folks who need all the time in the world moving their homes out of danger. We've had several friends this past year that were saved by the simple thing called a weather radio.
USB Cell Phone Charger....
Our winning feature is this. Charging our cell phone on this tiny little radio. We found ourselves about a week ago with a broken ginny and no way of charging the cell phone, until my wife remembered the solar radio, and wow we were saved that day. When in the woods, this little feature can safe your life in a great time of need.
Built-In LED Flashlight....
The one feature we use the most. I tend to have to investigate the noises of the woods near us, when the dogs get set to barking to protect their home. Often enough this summer it's been about the porcupines that share the same space as our RV does. Friendly and cute they are and only because the light allows facts to shine through instead of an active imagination I am often accused of. So kudo's to this solar radio for giving my wife one less reason to pick on me.
And this concludes my review on the Safety Preparedness with USB Cell Phone Charge and Crank-Powered & Solar-Powered Radio which plays a lot of country music (you'll have to wait on my article about country music and my new sort of love for it).
We highly recommend this by a long shot. We use this daily even though it's meant as a an emergency backup. So with that being said and knowing we use ours everyday, should tell you if you use yours just for an emergency that this is a smart purchase
~keep one in your car
~keep one in your home/or emergency room shelter
~keep one in your garage
~keep one with your camping gear
~keep one with your hiking backpack (it's tiny and light weight)
Dimensions: 5.25" X 2.5" X 1.75" (w by h by d) and the weight is 8.5 oz
Approx price $29.99 and as for color choices we are not sure outside of red and black
Honored to have done this review and loved that it was a perfect fit for our family use and to be able to give a honest review. If your interested in my reviewing your product please email me for more details. For our fans out there, if you enjoyed the article then could you twitter/facebook/pinterest so that we may branch out to include a bigger audience
We received this radio about a month ago, and as itchy as I was to review it that day, the company asked us to test it for a month to get the full feel of the product.
Reasons Why:
No batteries....
Do you realize this is a huge hardship on RVers, if you do not have electricity. And we do not and have not for over 2 months now and won't see an electric box until the end of October. And with our junk cheap ginny, we only use it to power our sewing machines and that's it. So the solar is a complete winner for us, and a huge money saver.
Again its all about our budget. And this has saved us so much money. We just place her in the sun and let her soak up FREE power and play when we feel the need for some tunes. We can go almost 8 hours of usage when the solar end is charged. So yes this is a sun seeker of our hearts. Better then any coupons for sure.
What do we do when there is no sun?? And this is an area we can really talk about because we'll it's more cloudy then sunny in this part of Idaho for sure. And to answer your question "WE CRANK" - well my wife cranks because this is a device is not handy for RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) - my only negative remark, but in all fairness, most things in the techie world are not RA friendly - because RA is evil to the human world. There is math to the crank and a science to this. My wife cranks 500 times and it will provide 2 hours of usage. 500 times, I kid you not and the major upside to this my wife says, it's a stress re leaser and it's great exercise to boot. So if my wife is happy then that adds to the thrill of owning this solar radio.
Weather Alerts....
This is supported by the American Red Cross for so many reasons. With all the Mother Nature against us this year, this handy machine will provide a safe/fast/reliable source to the outside world in times of need. A must for RV folks who need all the time in the world moving their homes out of danger. We've had several friends this past year that were saved by the simple thing called a weather radio.
USB Cell Phone Charger....
Our winning feature is this. Charging our cell phone on this tiny little radio. We found ourselves about a week ago with a broken ginny and no way of charging the cell phone, until my wife remembered the solar radio, and wow we were saved that day. When in the woods, this little feature can safe your life in a great time of need.
Built-In LED Flashlight....
The one feature we use the most. I tend to have to investigate the noises of the woods near us, when the dogs get set to barking to protect their home. Often enough this summer it's been about the porcupines that share the same space as our RV does. Friendly and cute they are and only because the light allows facts to shine through instead of an active imagination I am often accused of. So kudo's to this solar radio for giving my wife one less reason to pick on me.
And this concludes my review on the Safety Preparedness with USB Cell Phone Charge and Crank-Powered & Solar-Powered Radio which plays a lot of country music (you'll have to wait on my article about country music and my new sort of love for it).
We highly recommend this by a long shot. We use this daily even though it's meant as a an emergency backup. So with that being said and knowing we use ours everyday, should tell you if you use yours just for an emergency that this is a smart purchase
~keep one in your car
~keep one in your home/or emergency room shelter
~keep one in your garage
~keep one with your camping gear
~keep one with your hiking backpack (it's tiny and light weight)
Dimensions: 5.25" X 2.5" X 1.75" (w by h by d) and the weight is 8.5 oz
Approx price $29.99 and as for color choices we are not sure outside of red and black
Honored to have done this review and loved that it was a perfect fit for our family use and to be able to give a honest review. If your interested in my reviewing your product please email me for more details. For our fans out there, if you enjoyed the article then could you twitter/facebook/pinterest so that we may branch out to include a bigger audience
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Mica Gate Moose Galore
I am telling you, this is the best gate of all gates I have worked at for QSI. The wildlife here is amazing and just today.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Baby Mica was born June 1st at Mica Gate, Idaho
Yesterday, was a normal day in the woods here, except for one thing. A baby was born just steps away from our RV. I happened to see the deers with a little wobble of a thing attempting to walk. My wife grabbed the binoculars and wow the sight she seen was emotional and cool at the same time. And a little gross with the gook on it still.
Picture is terrible because well, it's a crappy camera and we can't afford a better one for a long while (was a good camera until a pass employee broke - what a jerk he was). Plus is was taken behind the screen of our RV to give Mom and baby is proper distance.
Picture is terrible because well, it's a crappy camera and we can't afford a better one for a long while (was a good camera until a pass employee broke - what a jerk he was). Plus is was taken behind the screen of our RV to give Mom and baby is proper distance.
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