Oh jeez, it was flipping cold to be trucking out at 6am in the morning. BUT WORTH IT. The picture is after 20 minutes of running the car, with still frost/ice on the windshield. BRRRR. And my poor wife who refused to buy a winter jacket, really suffered, but didn't complain. She loves adventures.
So, last week we missed the baskets, because we were late at buying on line. So this week we were excited to be heading back. When we got there, there was a line of folks waiting and like us, they were cold, but new they were doing a good deed.
We spokes to a lot of the members there, to see how long they've been going to the Co-op. We were amazed, that a bulk of them were pretty new at this. My wife, went through the line asking questions "how did you hear about the co-op?" and 80% said through a friend. Friends are the greatest.
RESULTS for us this week was beyond awesome!!
We were about 15th in line. And so this is the basket I choose.
We walked out of their with smiles on our faces. Our food shopping is done for the week - we spent a total of $29.00 for our fruit/veggies for the week.
~Red potatoes
~HUGE White potatoes
~3 bundles of asparagus
~Bundle of broccoli
~Bundle of cauliflower
~Butter lettuce
~Rosemary (FRESH)
~an Herb we have no clue what it is????
~Grape fruits
So yes, we did GREAT - and I can't thank my wife enough for finding this for us. I also wish to thank everyone for talking to my wife and wanting to get to know us. Figures, we have 1 week left here and we find all the nice people at the tail end. I have to laugh, because one gentleman says "your wife has the engery of 15 women I know" - she sure does, always trying to make people laugh and such.
Get onto the site and locate the nearest Bountiful Baskets. And if they don't have one near you - get one started. They have all the details on the site. It's about time, we find people helping people and working together. It's a great way to support your town/city and even cooler to meet your neighbors.
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